And THAT’S what teaching is all about… Fran Rosen

29 04 2013

rosenIn my mind, the recognition a teacher receives from students is the most valuable. Fran Rosen received just that kind of recognition and was honored with Farmingdale State College’s FAME award (Farmingdale Award for Motivational Effectiveness). Each year students graduating from Farmingdale may nominate a teacher who they believe should receive the “Student Award for Academic Excellence”. Michael P. was a student in Fran Rosen’s elementary classroom. In his essay nominating Fran, Michael stated, “Mrs. Rosen gave me the basic foundation needed to succeed. She taught me that organization, accountability and communication skills define me as a person. I can only hope that someday I can have an impact on someone’s life like Mrs. Rosen’s impact on mine.”

Fran is a teacher in the special ed department at McKenna and unfortunately Massapequa will lose her to retirement this year. We congratulate her for being a motivating force in her students’ lives. And THAT’S what teaching is all about…